I want to give you a FREE eBook.


It's called, "Breadcrumbs: Reflections on a Reconstructed Christian Faith."


Here's a Little Bit about the Breadcrumbs eBook:

  • I'll send it to your email along with my free weekly newsletter, the 5 on Friday.
  • I shopped it around to a number of different publishers, and decided it was best to release it on my own terms.
  • 60 short essays/chapters.
  • 260+ pages.
  • 47,000+ words.
  • Written over the course of a year, but after 20 years of ministry work and 3 degrees in the field.
  • Each chapter is a topic of the faith that I had to wrestle with, and find a way to see in a new light.
  • Topics covered: Spirituality, the Scriptures, De/Reconstruction, Paradigm Shifts, Mentorship, Universalism, Eastern vs Western Thinking, Early Church Theology, Ecclesiastes, Imago Dei, Bonhoeffer's "Religionless Christianity", and more.
  • Includes drawings from yours truly.
  • I mean, come on, it's FREE.